Friday, February 09, 2018

Musicians In The Neighbourhood 5

Hilary getting her bassoon ready
It's been a while since I went to my neighbour's place to sketch her music session with her friends. I finally wrapped up my temporary nanny job and I was so glad to be able to attend their session before I leave for Taiwan.

It's always good to sketch people playing music as they move but not fast. They also go back to the same position quite often for me to finish a sketch. The problem with Karen's group is they are not strangers and I get more caught up with capturing their resemblance. Oh well, still good practice though.

 Usually I just sketch quietly on the side. Today Hilary (the bassoonist) suggested that they should stand up for me so I could capture them playing flutes. It was new for us but pretty fun.

This might be my last sketch of the musicians in the neighbourhood, at least for a while. I'm heading back to Taiwan with James this Sunday for Chinese New Year with my family. While James will return in 2 weeks, I'm gonna spend a long holiday there to be with my nephew.


  1. The color you did on these musicians looks very fresh and lively! Have a great time in Taiwan! I'll look forward to seeing your sketches from your "other" home.

    - Tina

    1. Thanks, Tina. I'll keep you updated :)
