Sunday, November 12, 2017

Happy Birthday to USK- Rock climbing style!

I was determined to sketch on this special day (although I did learn from Gabi's talk and Tina's email that the real USK birthday is on Nov 4th). I carried my sketch kit as well as my climbing gear with me. Luckily this climbing spot wasn't too far away from the parking lot. 

Thank you, Gabi, and Urban Sketchers! And a special thank-you to USK Seattle, too. My life in the US would have been totally boring and isolated without urban sketchers. 


  1. So happy to know you participated, too! We missed you, Ching!

    - Tina

    1. I looked at the photos on instragram and saw all of you in Seattle. Wish I were there!

  2. Thanks Ching, great to hear from you! Do you climb? I loved it back in my youth, har. All the best, Natalie - and DO let us know if you're up here! We'll sketch.

    1. I do climb, Natalie! I am only a recreational climber though, ha. Unlike the other climbers who always try to challenge themselves on difficult routes, I just want to go up and down and then sketch between climbs. Look forward to sketching with you again soon!
